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Community Spotlight - The Warmistress

Writer's picture: WSW - MattWSW - Matt

Welcome to this community spotlight section once again, this month I have had the privilege to interview Tanya

This is someone I have found through the wonders of social media <Insert where> and here is a link The Warmistress

I have asked them to be interviewed to find out their hobby styles and life, and see if others can gain from their experiences.

First off thank you Tanya

Lets begin with some basic questions so people can get to know you,

Can you tell the folks a little about yourself?

My name is Tanya, aka @the.warmistress on Instagram. Im 32 years old and I live in Western Canada.

How did you get into the hobby of tabletop wargaming?

In my family, as soon as you could count to 15 you had a place at the table playing various card and board games. Strategy and competition is in my blood in that regard. Unfortunately as a woman there weren't any opportunities to be exposed to the hobby until my husband showed me his models when we were dating.

That was 7 years ago, but I didnt get properly stucked in until a few years later.

What type of hobbyist are you? A painter/collector/gamer or a mix?

I would say I'm a mix of all of them. I paint at least 3 nights a week, I play at least 2 nights a

week. I try to only collect models I have the intention of playing with though.

What game systems do you play? Are you simply a one game person or do you play many

different games?

I play mostly 40k these days, but I do have an Age of Sigmar Destruction army that I love. I have dabbled in other games as well (KillTeam, Necromunda, Frostgrave) but by far 40k is what I play most.

What was the thing that caught your eye the most them you were first starting out?

My first experience was seeing my husband's beautifully painted models. I always loved painting and sketching so I wanted to try my hand at it. When he told me there was a strategy game to go with it it was like icing on the cake.

What advice would you give someone just getting into the hobby/or your younger self, now you have been involved in this for a while?

My advice for new hobbyists is to stay away from most Facebook groups(the exception would be a local hobby group where you can make plans to meet people face to face). Instagram is a great place to get feedback on your painting, and most people are more than willing to answer any questions you might have.

Dont be afraid to experiment and if people give you advice you dont have to take it.

Have you ever had an extended period out of the hobby?

How did you get back in?

I haven't taken an extended break, but I never really jumped in head first until January 1st of 2019. I only sort of dipped my toes in before. I do think that Instagram has been a good tool for me to document that progress.

Having a community of people supporting me and engaging with my content keeps me motivated to continue. I would assume it might work similarly for those coming back after an extended absence.

What’s the best part of the hobby for you?

All the friends I have made, by far, is the best thing about the hobby. I have such a great

community of followers on Instagram and my local game crew is full of amazing dudes that make me laugh and are always willing to answer my rules questions.

What is the worst part of the hobby for you?

Unsolicited advice is one thing that makes me angry. If someone wants advice they will ask for it. Giving critique without consent can crush people's excitement for their finished models or army list. Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that everyone is in this hobby for different reasons and it isn't our job to make them conform to our own ideals.

What keeps you in the hobby?

Seeing my progress keeps me here. The feeling of completing models is a very big motivator for me to paint, and hanging out with my friends keeps me playing.

How do you deal with burn out/lack of hobby mojo?

I actually don't get this feeling often. I have a hobby schedule and I stick to it. Tuesdays and

Saturdays I play, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays I paint. I will squeeze in other days as I can but keeping that schedule means I never lose motivation.

Has anyone inspired your hobby style/life?

I find lots of people inspiring. Robert Warren and Alan Lawson are my constant support network on Instagram. Ridvan Martinez and my coach Alex MacDougall are so patient with me and all my rules and strategy questions.

My husband by far is my biggest fan and spoils me with all the paint and plastic my heart desires and puts up with my constant barrage of 40k memes.

What projects are you working on at the moment?

At the moment my main project is painting and practicing with my Astra Militarum forces in

preparation for my first ITC events next year.

Do you plan out projects/armies or just get sucked into the trap of collecting everything?

I definitely plan out projects. I try not to buy things that I have no intention of playing with. If I'm not 100% sure about a unit I will proxy it in before buying.

If your budget was unlimited but you could only buy one army what would it be?

Funny enough, it would be one of two things. It would either be a Death Korps of Krieg army or a Raging Heroes Jailbirds army.

What do you hope to improve with regard to your hobbying in the future?

This next season I will be focusing on learning how to play 40k more competitively. I have joined a team, and I have committed to at least 2 ITC events. That's my main goal at the moment.

Your account on Instagram is inspirational and one of the reasons that gave me the idea for this interview series, you highlight other female members of the community on a weekly shout out section in your stories, how did that idea come about?

I was feeling kind of lonely in my local game group. There was me and one gender fluid person among a bunch of supportive dudes. I really can';t say enough good things about my game group. I knew there had to be other ladies out there doing their own thing and I wanted to meet them. It seemed like a good excuse to say "hello". I also feel like women wargamers are sometimes seen as this magical, rare unicorn. I wanted to show that we are diverse and interesting. We all have different motivations, fears, goals, etc. If there are any female wargamers who want to be featured please don#'t hesitate to direct message me on Instagram.

You have been taking apart in OG Paintworks and mine #freshforcechallenge with your collection of guard, was this army new for the challenge or something you have had laying around?

The Astra Militarum army had been floating around in my head for a bit but I never committed. I had been having less and less fun with my super aggressive Space Wolves and I thought Astra Militarum was so different that it might be fun. The #freshforcechallenge was the perfect jumping off point.

How has the challenge been for you and the goal of it,of clearing unloved models on sprues?

The challenge has been fantastic for me. I found out that I have lots of fun both painting and playing this new force. These models are getting lots of action these days, which is a lot better than sitting in storage.

Your account recently has featured some none GW models, is this something you looking at more often as your hobby grows?

I'm not sure non-GW models will be a regular feature for me. I do like to paint small d&d figures to just reset, refresh, or to explore different colours after painting one scheme for a long time. I did take on a huge, special project for my lovely friend Matt (aka the Pickled Dragon), so that will be happening as I also paint my guardsmen.

Thank you for taking the time to read this interview and visiting the site, please do check out the super supportive Tanya on her instagram page and give her a wave and a follow

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